Audio Innerview with Compassionate Communication facilitator Marilyn Mullen

One aspect of life which I am inspired by and passionate about is having healthy, meaningful and supportive relationships and the role that effective communication skills play in this endeavor.

In my work with people I have seen that much of the suffering that we experience in our relationships, whether at home or at work, can be alleviated by learning how to have conversations that are supportive of all the people involved.

What creates support are ways of speaking and listening that cultivate empathetic understanding, clarity of feelings, needs and intentions, and expanded perspectives of what might be possible to meet the needs of everyone involved.

After a lifetime of personal growth and training, about fifteen years ago I came across a particular perspective on interpersonal communication that changed my life for the better, forever. It is called Non Violent Communication also know as NVC and colloquially referred to as Compassionate Communication. NVC is one of the most powerful approaches to interpersonal communication that I have found and I am passionate about sharing it with you. NVC was initially developed about 50 years ago by world reknowned psychologist Marshall Rosenberg and today is actively used and developed through a world wide organization with facilitators and practitioners in all walks of life.

This particular series in an intimate view into the lives of others who are dedicated to this body of information and approach to relationship and life.
